"Nature professor" of Kintukka acts as a bridge between nature and people. The aim of the excursions is to leave as small an imprint on nature as possible, but a positive impact on the minds of the participants.
"Nature professor" is ecologically, socially and economically responsible. When in the wild, we follow the hiking etiquette and act within everyone's rights and in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the authorities in force at the time. "Nature professor" has made appropriate agreements with landowners.
"Nature professor" has a valid, appropriate first aid training, as well as a hygiene pass and a tourist safety pass. As a local person, it is important to me to promote the traditions and stories of the area in a responsible way. The promotion of nature's benefits is based on strong scientific evidence. I strive for the continuous development of equal opportunities for participation of different groups.
"Nature professor" works in close cooperation with local associations and businesses and is constantly developing its own skills and knowledge base.